a coming-together around grotowski-based training, april 2025


we are launching what we hope to be the first of many “assemblies” – a biennial conference bringing together practitioners, teachers, beginners, and seekers of grotowski-based training.

the assembly is open to anyone who is curious.
if you are brand new to this kind of work, you are welcome.
if you have been training or even teaching this for decades, you are welcome.
if you were in grotowski’s original company, you are welcome.
and gosh, if you are grotowski, you are welcome.

who we are.

we are practitioners and teachers, but also life-long learners and humans*. we’re creating this event out of a desire to deepen a sense of community – globally – with folks who have encountered this way of training actors. there is no leader.  maybe one day you or your city will host the next ASSEMBLY. but first, join us in this inaugural year!

* this event is being organized by erica fae, chris nichols, budi miller, kate amory, kristy hartsgrove mooers, and andy paris – and we mean it when we say the next ASSEMBLY could be organized by you.


we launch this announcement in excitement of sharing what we’re cooking up, but also to let folks know early enough to plan travel, airfare, etc.

we’ll gather april 4-6, 2025 in new york city, location TBD.

we will offer training sessions, panels, and guided group conversations. a more detailed schedule will be shared closer to the event, but we are honored and excited to announce that these folks will be with us: stephen wangh (author of acrobat of the heart), kris salata (author of theatre’s carnal prayer: acting after grotowski), linda putnam, david prete, budi miller, erica fae, stacy dawson stearns, gustine fudickar, valerie mccann, nora woolley, raina von waldenburg, and wendy vanden heuvel.

our fee structure hopefully honors the varieties of humans who may be interested in coming:

  • the “i can make this happen” rate is $140 for the weekend
  • the “standard” rate is $280 for the weekend
  • and the “i can help support some others” rate is $500 for the weekend

(food & lodging for the weekend are not included)

email with your name and we will send updates as we get them. hope to see you next april!